Join me online for a live webcast get-together on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 5:00pm PST / 8:00pm EST
I’m excited to connect with you!
A live webcast where I will talk about the current energy and how to use it to your best advantage. I'll answer your questions and give mini-readings. Includes an energy clearing and uplifting meditative vibrational alignment.
Webcasts are a lively interactive addition to my weekly video readings to support and enhance your spiritual growth
Provides vibrational alignment and uplifting energy for you
Enjoy from the comfort of your home
You can join via phone or computer
After purchasing you will receive an email with your link to the live event
Spaces will be limited in number to ensure everyone gets to participate
My energy was lighter and clearer! I felt a vibrational shift after my reading with Amy. Tonya K
What a wonderful experience to get the answers I needed. Debbie L
Join now to ensure your place in this exciting webcast for information about what's going on in the current energy, a vibrational energy boost, your connection to spirit, and guidance from your spirit guides.